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Mark Daly

Business Development Manager

Mark Daly  Tablet Image Mark Daly  Mobile Image
Mobile Gradient

Mark Daly

Business Development Manager

Current Role
Joining Almac in 2015, Mark is responsible for sponsors operating in both Scandinavia and Ireland.

With an acute business insight, Mark makes it his mission to fully immerse himself in his customers’ projects and objectives before tailoring bespoke clinical supply solutions that meet their varied requirements.
Previous Experience
Mark draws upon his BSc Business Management degree, significant commercial experience, and eight years in role at Almac Clinical Services to provide expert consultancy and a true partnership approach that delivers patient-centric, compliant, and cost-effective operations.
Joined Almac

Clinical Services Events

Operationalise EAP Summit Europe 2024

8 October 2024

London, UK

Event Details


29 October 2024

Zurich, Switzerland

Event Details
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