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Built to Adapt – Most Flexible IRT Platform

For over 20 years Almac Clinical Technologies group has been leading the Interactive Response Technology industry, bringing together the most innovative technology and our unparalleled expertise to empower biopharmaceutical industry and help bring new therapies to patients.

IXRS®3 – Interactive Response Technology (IRT) Platform Fact Sheet

Download Almac IRT Fact Sheet

The Most Flexible IRT Suite in the Industry

Three Startup Modes

Three Startup Modes

Choose which delivery model fits your needs

All-in-One Platform

All-in-One Platform

Manage supplies, patients, and sites

Consultancy & Support

Consultancy & Support

Best-in-class experts to guide you through every step

Almac Clinical Technologies Suite

Our solutions are pre-packaged to make IRT platform configuration easy and to save precious time and costs. From a rapid out-of-the-box build to virtually limitless customisations- we tailor our product and services to every study’s needs and requirements.

See why our customers love using Almac’s IRT solutions suite

According to independent blinded market research, current IXRS® users give Almac Clinical Technologies’ IRT rave reviews proving that our suite of solutions is innovative, flexible, user-friendly, and unique in the eClinical space.

Is considered a leader in their industry
Is the most technologically advanced
Provides a strong integrated offering
Provides a unique offering to customers
Is the easiest to work with
Provides the highest levels of client service
Is the most innovative in their space
Offers a high level of flexibility to clients

(Independent Blinded Market Research Survey of 7 IRT providers January/February 2022 with Almac being compared against 6 other companies – top 2 box scores (agree and strongly agree) amongst users of companies: Q. Based on your knowledge and perceptions of each provider, please rate your agreement to the following statements using a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 = strongly disagree and 7 = strongly agree.)

Industry Leading Reputation

Best-in-class technology is only half of what makes us a leading IRT provider. Our amazing teams prove again and again that the people behind that technology are what makes it possible for us to stay ahead of our competition and consistently provide the most reliable and advanced products and services to our clients.

Delivers a high-quality offering

Develop innovative products and services

Has excellent teams

Delivers good value

Delivers a high level of flexibility to clients

Regulatory track record

Has a strong global offering

I trust this company

Delivers a high-quality offering

Develop innovative products and services

Has excellent teams

Delivers good value

Delivers a high level of flexibility to clients

Regulatory track record

Has a strong global offering

I trust this company

(Independent Blinded Market Research Survey of 7 IRT providers January/February 2022 with Almac being compared against 6 other companies – top 2 box scores (agree and strongly agree) amongst users of companies: Q. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement about each of the following companies top 2 box scores amongst users of companies?)

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Quality & Regulatory Compliance Workshop: What to Expect in a Randomisation and Supply Management Inspection 2024-25

19 September 2024

Event Details

OCT Nordics 2024

1 October 2024 Copenhagen, Denmark

Event Details

Contact us today

See how our technology will surpass your expectations, and experience how our seamless delivery will match your study-specifics regardless of size, phase, or complexity.

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