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Webinar: Practical Application of Just in Time Manufacturing in Clinical Trial Supply

In this webinar: Practical Application of Just in Time Manufacturing in Clinical Trial Supply Building, Natalie Balanovsky Just In Time Manufacturing Solutions Manager, discusses the key milestones that impact clinical trial supply and explore the benefits of having a flexible manufacturing, packaging, and labeling and distribution solution

Learn how a Just in Time manufacturing approach addresses the changing market dynamics, and redefines global supply chain processes to support sponsors in overcoming the obstacles they face with high value, time sensitive Investigational Medicinal Product (IMP).

  • Examine the evolving clinical trial landscape which requires sponsors to be more adaptive to change
  • Using real life case studies, examine practical ways Just in Time manufacturing can help mitigate risk, reduce waste, and achieve uninterrupted supply
  • Understand the differences between traditional batch manufacturing and Just in Time manufacturing
  • Identify ways to gain operational and budgetary efficiencies whilst ensuring availability and viability for your expensive, temperature sensitive products
  • Gain insight into best practice strategies when planning for a Just in Time approach
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