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Pack Design for EU Orphan Drug Launch

Having successfully partnered in the launch of 15 significant orphan drug products into the EU market over the last 3 years, Almac have witnessed a steady increase in the number of US companies taking advantage of European market opportunities.
This case study details how one such US Pharma company with limited knowledge of the EU quality, packaging and supply chain requirements, partnered with Almac, an experienced EU launch service provider to successfully launch their ultra-orphan drug within 9 months of MA submission.
With accelerated regulatory assessment, launch timelines were aggressive, but with all launch activities being managed by an experienced Product Supply Manager who led a multi-disciplinary team of experts in quality assurance, quality control, packaging design, production and logistics, all project challenges were overcome.
Download our case study to learn how the team met the project requirements to develop a bespoke wallet pocket pack and successfully launch the product onto the EU marketplace within 48 hours of MA approval.

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