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Almac Diagnostic Services and Analytics Engines Case Study

The Challenge:
Almac Diagnostic Services are a personalized medicine company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of diagnostic and companion diagnostic tests. They have unique expertise in working with multidimensional genomics data and utilizing a disease subtyping approach to diagnostic development. Almac’s highly complex and innovative bioinformatics pipeline incorporated multiple technologies and was labor and compute intensive with a full run of the pipeline taking 1-3 weeks, depending on the dataset complexity, with around 15 manual steps.

The Solution:
Almac worked with Analytics Engines to migrate its proprietary processes and algorithms to Analytics Engine’s XDP™. The Analytics Engines platform utilized big data technologies to streamline the process using scalable storage and scalable compute to industrialize the analytics. Analytics Engines re-architected and optimized the pipeline to take advantage of the big data platform.

The Benefit:
The pipeline can now be set up to run with 15 minutes of hands on time and results returned within 3-4 hours. Depending on the complexity of the dataset and analysis, this saves 20-50 hours of FTE per analysis and enables Almac to take a data driven discovery approach. The pipelines are now run reliably, reproducibly and repeatably with a full audit trail.

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